Goleada. Nano: Why & How to?

Nano: Why & How to?

Why do we support Nano cryptocurrency?

Nano (nano.org): Digital Cash - Eco-Friendly, Instant Payment, Zero Fees.


1 wind turbine running at 25% capacity could power the entire Nano network at 1,200+ transactions per second.

The energy usage of a single Nano transaction has been calculated as low as 0.111Wh.

1 kWh of energy equals to 0.0005 bitcoin transactions or 9000 Nano transactions.

1 bitcoin transaction is about 18,000,000 Nano transactions.

Lightning Fast Instant Payment

Nano reaches its destination on average in ~0.4 seconds.

Average Transaction Speed
Nano Near-instant
Solana 5-20 seconds
Litecoin 2.5 minutes
Tether 5 minutes
Ethereum 5 minutes
Cardano 10 minutes
Monero 30 minutes
Bitcoin 40 minutes

Zero Fees

It doesn't cost anything to send nano, making it practical and inclusive for all the world.

Just like the cash in your pocket, choosing to transact with nano ensures that 100% of the value is transferred directly to the recipient.

3 Easy Steps to get Nano (5 minutes)

The best way to learn is through practice. Follow this guide, and within 5 minutes you'll have your first bit of nano. Just 3 simple steps!

1. Download A Wallet

Your digital wallet is where you will store your digital money!

Go to natrium.io and install the app, available for Android and iPhone!

2. Record Your Secret Key Phrase!

After installing Natrium, write down the wordlist that is shown in the correct order. This is your recovery phrase.

This lets you always access your nano, even if your device is lost or breaks! Do not share this recovery phrase with anyone, make multiple copies and store them somewhere safe!

3. Receive Some Nano

Nano is fast and fearless. You can receive a small amount of nano for free using a nano faucet.

Open Natrium and click 'receive'. Copy the account address.

Go to nanodrop.io and paste your nano address. Tick the 'Drop Me 0.000001 Nano' box.